






最佳安排:小作文 150-170字 大作文 250-275字 。


  • 申请的学校要求每科都要在7分以上,作文每次都是6.5或者6分,怎么提高啊
  • 作文要好好练的


  • 小池作文1100字 小池作文1100字—走过一条古色古香的石头小路,在我的眼前出现了校园中最美的一角——花园。 这里有鲜艳娇嫩的花朵,有翠绿欲滴的绿叶,有高大葱茏的树木,有蓬勃生长的青青小草。而我,唯独爱在花园最中心的一亩小池。 我爱小池,爱它的博大。 春回大地,岸边的丛花争奇斗艳,红的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪,高大的树木长出片片嫩叶,欢快地随风舞蹈,小草儿破土而出,一派生机,而小池呢?平静得像一面镜子,与世无争,偶尔温和的春风吹来,池面上星星点点地呈现一丝微澜。我爱在春日行走在池边的石子小路上,慢慢地走着,哇,瞧!鲜红的花朵在小池的水中绽放,高大的树木在小池的水中葱茏,青绿的小草在小池的水中生长。平静的小池并没有去与它们争斗春天的光彩,而是用宽大的心胸包容了它们,在心中由衷赞美它们的美丽,绘成一副春天的图画。 我爱小池,爱它的活力。 炎炎夏日,小池中心含苞待放的荷花,迫不及待地绽放了,引来一只只调皮的小蜻蜓在池面嬉戏。有时,小蜻蜓亲呢地吻一吻平静的池面,惹得小池不断地绽放出一圈圈波纹。夏日阵阵急促的雨点儿,滴滴答答,小池不再那么平静,它撒欢似的蹦起来,还发出阵阵银铃般的笑声,我爱在雨过天晴的时候,漫步在岸边,雨水冲刷过的鹅卵石更加光滑。小池也焕然一新,阳光撒在池面上,小池仿佛跳动怠胆糙感孬啡茬拾长浆着,闪着粼粼的金光。水里还有鱼儿,调皮地窜上窜下,给小池更添一份生机。 我爱小池,爱它的温柔。 金风送爽,小池在秋风的轻抚下轻轻地、柔柔地舞动着。此时,花儿凋谢了它的美丽,大树脱下了它的新叶,小草也从以往的生机变得萎靡不振,只有你,小池,你始终以从容的姿态迎接秋的到来,秋天的你,依然那么楚楚动人,偶尔一片枯叶落在你那平静的池面上,哪怕它们遮住了你的面庞,你也只是温柔地拥抱着它们,像一位慈祥的母亲护着自己的孩子,那么温柔,那么小心。我爱在秋高气爽的时节,在你的身边柔情地轻轻地散步,秋风带来你的气息、你的味道,我闻到了,闻到了一股清新的、温柔的味道。 我爱小池,爱它的坚毅。 鹅毛大雪飘然而至,冬日迈着沉重的脚步走来,万物都已是银装素裹,小池也不例外。然而在小池看来,只不过是冰天雪地一场罢了。大雪在你的池面结起了一层厚厚的冰,同学们大声喊着:“快看啊!小池结冰了!”你却只是安静地顶着冰雪的吞噬,寒风的摧残,丝毫不抗拒不退缩,我裹着厚实的棉衣,喜


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  • 题目是:一些人认为所有学生应该学外语,一些人认为talented学生才能学外语,给你的观点,同意不同意。麻烦帮忙看下语法错误还有需要注意的地方,给多点建议最好还有个评分,下个月就要考雅思了谢谢你们的帮助。下面是原文:
  • 朗阁有在线一对一作文批改的栏目。具体链接为www.longre.com/…n.aspx


  • 题目是:一些人认为所有学生应该学外语,一些人认为talented学生才能学外语,给你的观点,同意不同意。麻烦帮忙看下语法错误还有需要注意的地方,给多点建议最好还有个评分,下个月就要考雅思了谢谢你们的帮助。下面是原文:
  • 朗阁有在线一对一作文批改的栏目。具体链接为www.longre.com/…n.aspx


  • Writing Task 2It is generallybelieve that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sportor music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child canbe taught to become a good sports person or musician.Discuss both these viewsand give your own.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevantexamples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words. From now andthen,sports and music are essential activities for people in living andworking.Some people think that if a person is born with talents in exercise andmusic,he will do it better than others.However,other people don’t agree withit.They firmly believe that any person could become a superior athlete ormusician through individual practicing and efforts.I consider that lastargument is right.With thedevelopment of society,more and more folks take part in a kind of activitieswhich are sports and music.One of the way is very popular for entertainment indaily life.A large number of parents hope that their kids will become a goodsportsman or musician in the future.Different people have disparate views aboutsuccessful persons whether he has talents that are about physical exercise orsounds,or not when he has born.As far as I amconcerned,giving a good result and becoming a part of experts depend onindividual efforts for a long time.If a people don’t work hard,he will be not asuccessful man in sports and music.A excellent athlete or musician is not onlyhaving talents for action or sounds,but also spending more time doing practiceswhich promote intelligence and expertise.However,it is my conviction that anykids could be instructed a superior sportsman or musician.For example,Ihave a friend and he doesn’t understand violin before learning this course thatis about how children are studying violin,.In the past,he told me that he hadno talents for music.Nowdays,I find that he already is an excellent person inviolin.Because he never give up practicing violin’s skills.Inconclus
  • YES个地方个地方地方的风格大方


  • 问题补充: 麻烦英语小能手或大神们帮帮忙,真心感谢!
  • 我感觉吧6.5~7是没问题的,但是想要往上走就要加点东西了( 长难句,单词 )。因为考官是很难伺候的。他们的胃口很刁钻( 倘若你要拿高分)。


  • 作文写得不是很好,最多只能得满分的百分之90


  • 如题,另外,请问最近一次考的流程题是什么时候呢?
  • 你可以去看看郑任强 强哥的预测 上面有他们对于题目的分析,流程图其实不难,你把具体的套路记熟悉 按着步骤写就好咯!


  • 我通过回忆全部写出来了!包括写错的地方也有!求大神看看啊!题目是: 现在有很多小孩在课堂上越来越不专心了。原因是什么,怎么解决?以下是我的作文:It is not uncommon to discuss the educational issue. Many students especially youngsters believe that it istough to pay attention in the class. In my observation, there are two main reasonsfor this problem. Firstly, school puts the heavy burdon upon the backsof these kids. In order to seek a better future for these children, thecurricula of school is generally full. Besides, most of these curricula is hardto learn. Once a student cannot finish his homework because it is toodifficult, it will weaken his motivation indeed. So it is reasonable that hecannot concentrate at school anymore. In addition, many temptations are in this changingworld. Not to mention that there is avariety of computer games do attract children’s eyes. For example, a verypopular game called LOL is endearing to elementary students. In some cases, Ican see that a primary school student spent all of his leisure time on playingthat game regardless of homework, physical exercise and the like. To be honest,it seems like that no measure can stop it. However, I strongly believe that there are someproposals can be taken to solve this problem. At the first, schools are not supposedto provide too much homework for kids but to provide students with somecreational activities such as seek-and-hide, jumping rope and make-believegame. Without playing computer game and having a relax life, these kids willconcentrate in the class again. How to teach and how to educate remains a question,but it is for sure that if we can think in children’s way, the solution forthis issue will be more efficient.
  • 雅思写作的判分,跟看你卷子的那位大哥或者大姐的喜好很有干系。你这篇文章,手紧的考官,给你6.0分。手松的考官,给你6.5分。逻辑,内容写得相当不错了。但是语法的错,比如单复数,动词重复的错误时有出现。这是不能肯定地拿到6.5分的原因。如果能把中间的错误去掉的话, 6.5就没有问题了。