



  • 问题补充: 作文具体内容当过山车平稳地停下来时,我们的一阵阵惊叫和呐喊声还未完全平息。我解下安全带,走上站台,心里有着一种说不出的激动。我回头望望排队区里的那一条长龙队伍,觉得心满意足,因为刚才过山车的体验让我感觉非常刺激,而且我从中战胜了自己,获得了喜悦。这次春游是我们小学生涯中最后一次春游,我们来到了观音山梦幻世界。在玩了鬼屋、碰碰车、跳楼机等几个项目后,我们把目光投向了有着较高难度的摩托过山车。这种过山车虽不像不远处大型四环过山车那样让人望而生畏,但是不停翻转的轨道和高速运行的“摩托车”也让我们看着有些心惊肉跳。再加上地图上写着这个项目的难度是最高的五星,我心里不由得一怔:我真的要玩这个项目吗?再看一眼等候玩过山车那里排成的一条不停折返的长龙,我更是有放弃的念头。只能先显示两段了。
  • Today,the clock,sun,Qian San,a teacher to lead the class to a Buddism godness Guanyin Mountain dream coast spring outing.Dream coast some project:" haunted house"" roller coaster"," the wheel"," happy"," fly high"," the waves roll"," lovers" speed",the kite craft"," deluxe double turn horse"," children climbing car"," children bouncing car"," children pirate ship"," children flying chair" ……And Fujians first introduction of audiovisual scene interactive television.We came here to play the first project is a haunted house,behind girls screaming,a " haunted house" this name,make people tremble with fear in ones boots.A door,a skull in front,reentry goes a bit,the flashing blue light,came the voice of terror,I went to the intermediate step by step,I think the ghost will only around.Suddenly,a covered with greenish,unkempt skeleton in front of me to and fro,students screamed,I said:" there is nothing to be afraid of," thank the world pushed me to say:" you go," I also fear,pretend to say was crowded,muster the confidence to go forward.Look carefully,the original is a fake skull,it was a false alarm,but the dummy occasionally issued one or two sound screams,or make students scream reverberated through the entire house,is with ones hair standing on end.Finally,I closed my eyes forward,finally came out.At t……余下全文


  • 万事开头难作文可以写第一次宽恕他人或者第一次坐过山车吗,急急急,明天考试,请学霸解答谢谢谢谢
  • 可以的!只要说出难处就可以了


  • 万事开头难作文可以写第一次宽恕他人或者第一次坐过山车吗,急急急,明天考试,请学霸解答谢谢谢谢
  • 可以的!只要说出难处就可以了