


只要有字即不给0分;每偏离规定字数5%扣1分,累计扣分;错别字每3个扣1分,每题累计扣错字分最多3 分。














第一个是实打实的作文批改网站,他的名字叫微软爱写作,它是由微软公司开发的,全免费的写作批改网站,也是我试过了市面上存在的批改网站中我觉得和考研的各位同学契合度最高的网站,其他的网站包括有道词典、grammarly、language tool等等,这些也都能够用来做批改,但是我觉得在现在这个阶段我就推荐给大家最好用舒适度最高的一个就行了。


  • 考场作文写作技巧(开头技巧和结尾技巧)  中考作文开头技巧集锦  “好的开端是成功的一半”。开头在文章中的作用孩埂粉忌莠涣疯惟弗隶十分重要。它能提炼中心,完整结构,吸引读者。它能使文章锦上添花,令阅卷者倦处生神。这种说法并不夸张。因此,作文时多花费点时间、多动点脑筋,写个好的开头,是十分必要的。请看来自中考满分作文的精彩开头:  1.落笔入题,总领全篇  例1.小时候,对印在连环画、贺卡上那些“挥着翅膀的孩子——天使”爱得痴迷。那纯洁的,绒棉似的白翅膀是一切美好的象征,它装饰着我儿时的梦。(重庆满分文《白翅膀装饰着我的梦……》开头)  这篇文章一开头就交代自己喜欢白翅膀,并用“它装饰着我儿时的梦”既照应文题,又领起下文。这种开头能给人干脆利落,入题快捷,不枝不蔓的感觉。应为考场作文开头的首选方法。  2.序引题记,醒人耳目教师考试试卷评分标准我的作文写的偏题了,可是内容写的还行,字数也


  • SAT写作作文评分修改,谢谢担缉曹垦丨旧查驯肠沫我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 绝代有佳人,幽居在空谷。
  • 横刀斩立人,长剑亦破空。揽月上九天,五洋也捉鳖


  • 语文作文要求八百字以上,我写了七百多一点,作文题目没有写,也没有结尾,但是内容不会离题,大概可以得多少分,扣印象分的也算进去。谢谢
  • 至少三分之一

广东高考语文作文评分标准 我现在一般都写六百字左右,实在没法再多了,平时老师扣得很严重,基本

  • 广东高考语文作文评分标准我现在一般都写六百字左右,实在没法再多了,平时老师扣得很严重,基本就给30分左右,如果在高考的的话写六百字左右会扣分扣得很严重吗
  • 如果你写作有功力,字数不是根本问题,但是看你描述的,你写作还是不行。那么到时候建议写议论文,议论文不会太高分,但是也不会太低,只要你遵守议论文的写作套路,就可以往里加很多的话了。多用重复句式,排比句式,既有气势,又可以凑字数。


  • 我想问两个问题,一是高考英语作文到底重视哪个部分,是词语的高级程度还是全文连贯性,还是主旨明确二是语文作文到底是分不同主题来分档判分,还是看分论点的内容,如果分挡的话怎么才能判断最高档是那一个
  • 高考作文曾经传说一篇十三秒……真实没那么夸张,但也就半分钟吧。因此开头结尾一定要写好,最好写议论文,六行之内出观点。英语相对来说好点儿,词汇的亮点性很重要,另外文章中要有一定的连接词(体现连贯性)。共同特点是字写得好非常加分。“档”这个东西高考说明上倒是有分,但实际做不到那么细,你可以看看说明或者大纲


  • 1分


  • 我有个朋友她作文分数全年段第二(57分,满分60),我就让她给我看看,让我学习学习。结果发现,她也只是开头结尾很好,中间的内容没有关联性,也没表达出什么情感,也没突出人物形象,漏洞百出。但是我就是开头结果仓促无力了一些,内容我自认为胜她不是一点半点的。所以我觉得老师这评分标准也太不公平了,虽然我也理解老师改卷会疲劳,只会飘几眼,但至少内容分不能一点儿也不加吧,毕竟写好内容比写好开头结尾的难度大多了。光看开头结尾这也会让一些基础差的同学抓住漏洞,白占便宜。
  • 无力了一些,内容我自认为胜她不是一点半点的。所以我觉得老师这评分标准也太不公平了,虽然我也理解老师改卷会疲劳,只会飘几眼,但至少内容分不能一点儿也不加吧,毕竟写好内容


  • 请问日语高考作文评分标准是什么样的?一般会扣几分?(这里文笔渣渣orz)然后就是,一般能比英语考生高几分?马上上高中了,因为日语学得很好准备筏法摧盒诋谷搓贪掸楷放弃英语。然后,大学里学到英语4级难么。。。?
  • 高级词汇 例如chance 就要写opptunity 就算筏法摧盒诋谷搓贪掸楷写错了,老师也会认为你是笔误,反正往复杂的写,你的档次就上去了


  • Tpo7It is more important for students to understand ideasand concepts than it is for them to learn facts. 我写了反对意见I disapprove the idea that for students tounderstand ideas and concepts is more significant than to learn facts. From mypoint of view, it’s more important to learn facts because facts offer studentsmore practical boons such as living experience and social acclimatization. To begin with, students can gain muchliving experience which is not included in merely ideas and concepts. What’smore, such experience is really precious in our daily life because it is apractical way to achieve improvement unlike the ideas and concepts only inconceit. For example, nowadays, teachers in junior school tend to explain theitems of laws by referring to specific cases which were ruled by correspondinglaws. Those factual events provide flexible and practical instances forstudents to learn useful experience and get deep understanding of the essenceof these laws. This innovative teaching method can evidently demonstrate thatto learn facts can help students dispose of difficulties or thorny problems indaily life with valuable and practical experience which is learned from concretefacts instead of general concepts.Then, learning facts can improve students’social acclimatization. Facts usually include a host of changeable factors inactual situations in the society. Therefore, students who learn facts more canbe more easily to adapt to the society after the end of their school life. Whenthey come upon to the stage, they will surprisingly find that they can easilyfit in the different and complicated new environment because of their clearcognitions of the society learned from facts. Recently, a research published inour local newspaper indicates that students who have more penchants for readingnewspapers to learn facts in the news about the society are more likely to integrateinto the community. Consequently, it’s more significance for students to learnfacts.
  • 什么问题?


  • Tpo7It is more important for students to understand ideasand concepts than it is for them to learn facts. 我写了反对意见I disapprove the idea that for students tounderstand ideas and concepts is more significant than to learn facts. From mypoint of view, it’s more important to learn facts because facts offer studentsmore practical boons such as living experience and social acclimatization. To begin with, students can gain muchliving experience which is not included in merely ideas and concepts. What’smore, such experience is really precious in our daily life because it is apractical way to achieve improvement unlike the ideas and concepts only inconceit. For example, nowadays, teachers in junior school tend to explain theitems of laws by referring to specific cases which were ruled by correspondinglaws. Those factual events provide flexible and practical instances forstudents to learn useful experience and get deep understanding of the essenceof these laws. This innovative teaching method can evidently demonstrate thatto learn facts can help students dispose of difficulties or thorny problems indaily life with valuable and practical experience which is learned from concretefacts instead of general concepts.Then, learning facts can improve students’social acclimatization. Facts usually include a host of changeable factors inactual situations in the society. Therefore, students who learn facts more canbe more easily to adapt to the society after the end of their school life. Whenthey come upon to the stage, they will surprisingly find that they can easilyfit in the different and complicated new environment because of their clearcognitions of the society learned from facts. Recently, a research published inour local newspaper indicates that students who have more penchants for readingnewspapers to learn facts in the news about the society are more likely to integrateinto the community. Consequently, it’s more significance for students to learnfacts.
  • 什么问题?