

  • 自拟题目的作文,题目写错,但你得内容紧扣材料,是不缉敞光缎叱等癸劝含滑算跑题的,不会被扣分,只会影响判卷老师的印象分而已。


  • 高中语文作文题目:一切职业,事业都是人们摆脱时间空洞的方法,都是娱乐自己的玩具,都是相互依存的游戏伙伴,所以都是平等的,本不怠偿糙锻孬蹬茬拳长哗该有高低贵贱之分。求立意??!!!
  • 内容写的很好。。但是标题不对。。《全职业通用之PK心态修养怠偿糙锻孬蹬茬拳长哗》感觉更像。。如果是满分60的高考作文,可以给50分,或者0分。。


  • 题目越来越刁钻了,,,感觉经常看到题目一点思路都没有
  • 老师教过,可以套用原来写过的,类似的作文,改一下开头结尾就可以了,中间再加点关键字词

作文题:my dream life ,高中水平,回答加分

  • 如题
  • My dream lifeMy ideal life.In a quiet or noisy place, have their own a small house, room to decorate a style they like, warm and tranquil, will have a balcony, this can bathe in sunshine and raise some flowers, the house does not require great but must be comfortable, room daylighting is better, it will feel very depressed, outdoor is a very good natural landscape, flowers and grass and trees are birds with blue sky and clouds.Work can be a coffee shop or supermarket a shop assistant a promotion, or is a bookstore workers ( I do not know what to say to this occupation ) is not a painting and calligraphy electric clerk can also so that I can have not hurry with the heart can be a bit too a point can not and high knowledge of the complex population exchange leisure time to have a look at the pictures and books or in the cafe and the supermarket you can listen to music and chat with joking around busy times can feel lived very busy later returned home to open the music you cook reward yourself a cold shower, then pour in the comfort of your own bed and have a good sleepHoliday at home idle time can draw some pictures so as not to let his hobby is buried in this materialistic reality sometimes have to sketch although not a professional painter perhaps the picture is not good but my own hobby can sometimes go mountaineering exercise but I think should be very good to gaze far into the distance his eyesight to drop too fast can often go close to nature not to live in the cubic……余下全文


  • 立意可以是 人生有两种路径的选择,一条平坦的,一条困难重重的,选择困难的路径的人会有所收获问题补充: 可以这样立意吗
  • 你的立意有些偏颇,无论选择哪一条路都会有所收获,只不过困难的路遇事多成长也多,收获的最多的其实在心灵方面,利益方面未必会多。可以这样立意:平坦的人生路虽然舒适,却会失去很多人生的意义。困难的路,只要路是对的,坚持下去必会实现精神到物质的双赢。


  • 同学,作为一个过来人,建议你自己想不要依赖网络。